Java 11 Features and Functional Programming, worked with many frameworks and libraries (Spring, Micronaut, …)
Boot, MVC, WebFlux, Security, Data, AOP, Cloud (Eureka, Ribbon, Zuul, Hystrix), Kafka, Batch, HATEOAS, AMQP, and Reactor Project
Building Concurrent and Distributed Applications
Worked with Istio Service Mesh
OOP Design Patterns, Code Smells and Anti-Patterns, Aspect-Oriented, Reactive and Actor Model Programming
Experienced developer and software designer. Excellent team worker and very keen to learn and develop new skills. I have worked as a research assistant in Distributed Systems Laboratory of Iran University of Science and Technology. Interested in Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, Serverless computing, Data Stream Processing, Reactive Programming, and Microservices and have worked with various frameworks to build Cloud-native and Distributed Applications (e.g. Spring Cloud, Akka, Flink, Istio). Also interested in designing good software architecture using design patterns and refactoring techniques to avoid code smells. I am very willing to devote my time to continue researching and learning new technologies.
Overall GPA: 17.04 / 20
Advisor: Dr. Mohsen Sharifi
Thesis: A Distributed Graph Processing Technique for Adaptability of Data Stream Processing Systems
Summary: My main research field was on parallel patterns, auto-scaling and QoS-aware techniques in Data Stream Processing systems to make them adaptable to dynamic changes and various workloads.
Senior Project: Swift Remote – Desktop Remote Management
- Customer Information File (CIF) System | Progress: 20%
- Unified Collateral Management System | Progress: 98%
Using the latest, top-notch technologies and architectures of software engineering for building highly scalable and fault-tolerant systems, like Microservices architecture, Kubernetes, Service Mesh (Istio), Event-driven Architecture, etc.
Worked on algorithmic trading and order execution management systems
Worked on Bank interest management system