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Tag: kubernetes

Reliable Messaging in Microservices – Implementing Outbox Pattern using Kafka, Debezium, Micronaut, and Oracle Database on Kubernetes

Designing a microservice-oriented application can result in making tens or hundreds of small loosely coupled services that interact with each other via a lightweight protocol. Many business transactions are made up of small transactions that get executed inside multiple microservices. In order to complete the transaction, microservices need to execute their own (local) transactions and pass the result or status of their own work to other involved microservices. If one microservice fails to do its part, the work of all involved microservices has to get discarded and rolled back.

Communication plays an important role in a microservices architecture. Microservices need to communicate with each other using a fast, lightweight, and reliable protocol to get the job done. A single message loss in the application may result in cascading failures that lead to great losses.

In this post, we are going to see how we can design and implement a reliable messaging system in a microservices architecture based on the Transactional Outbox pattern and using Apache Kafka, Debezium, Micronaut framework, and Oracle Database.

Apache Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi – Part 3: Monitoring our Strimzi Kafka Cluster with Prometheus and Grafana

In the first part of the series, we have learnt about Strimzi and deployed a Kafka Cluster on Minikube and also tested our cluster with the console producer/consumer of the Kafka package. In the second part, we have built a producer application with Go and a consumer application with Scala, created Dockerfiles and Kubernetes deployment files and published them to the Kubernetes.

From the look of the logs it seems like our applications and Kafka are performing well. But we had no idea how they are really performing. That’s why we need some monitoring tools to easily monitor our cluster. In the last part of the series, we are going to use Prometheus and Grafana to fulfill our destiny! Now, what are these two really?

Apache Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi – Part 2: Creating Producer and Consumer apps using Go and Scala and deploying on Kubernetes

In the previous post, we have learnt about Strimzi and deployed a Kafka Cluster on Minikube and also tested our cluster. Now, let’s build a Producer application with Go and a Consumer application with Scala language, deploy them on Kubernetes and see how it all works.

Apache Kafka on Kubernetes with Strimzi – Part 1: Creating and Deploying a Strimzi Kafka Cluster

Hi there! I’m Sina, and this is my first ever post on my blog! Hope you enjoy it and learn some cool stuff!

In this blog post series, we are going to see how we can deploy and configure Apache Kafka on Kubernetes, produce and consume messages from a Go application to a Scala application and monitor our Kafka cluster with Prometheus and Grafana. So sit back, relax and enjoy, as we are going to learn some exciting stuff 🙂